The next intake will start in September 2023 and applications will close on 24 July 2023.


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  • Fully online, self-paced, internationally-recognised qualification from a University leading in academic excellence.

  • A qualification that can add the extra level of skill needed to progress professionally.

  • Developed by industry experts and through experts with emphasis on practical applications within the sport industry.


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To qualify, applicants should:

  • Have an existing undergraduate degree (eg bachelor) or a minimum of 5 - 8 years of relevant work experience and professional references. 

  • English language level of IELTS: at least 6.5 overall, with 6.0 in the written test or other equivalent proficiency certification.

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The industry of sport management is becoming more professional and global. The demand for highly qualified senior managers is increasing. A postgraduate qualification can give students the extra level of skill needed to progress in the industry. 

The course has been designed for middle/senior managers in sporting organisations wanting to broaden their experience and international sports network. It is also relevant for younger managers who are looking to make a quicker progression through their organisations and gain a broader network of contacts and experience across many different sports.


  • The influence of technology on the global sport ecosystem (June 2021)

  • Delivering the Olympic/Paralympic Games in a Covid-19 Environment (September 2021)

  • Private Equity in Sport (November 2022)

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Our Postgraduate students represent

  • 35 sports
  • 78 nationalities across 5 regions


As part of the AFEC initiative, WAoS has launched the AFEC Championships Series, an ever-expanding portfolio of international sport competitions coupled with relevant educational sessions. These opportunities are primarily available to student-athletes from AFEC-accredited schools and their respective host communities.


Through experiential activities and exchange of best practice, the AFEC Championships will provide an opportunity for the student-athletes with talent in the related sports to obtain a unique experiential learning experience that can help in their career pathway within or outside sport in the future, by enhancing their soft skills in aspects such as inclusive thinking and acting, cultural awareness and competing in an international environment.


The Championships Series offer an added benefit to AFEC accredited schools, allowing them to unite and celebrate their dedication to sports. These accredited schools are given guaranteed access to AFEC Championships Series events, offering a unique international competition opportunity to their student-athletes.

Moreover, AFEC schools can host qualification tournaments or trials at their own locations to select participants for the Series events. This helps them promote their athlete-friendly status and publicize the exclusive international competition opportunities they offer to young athletes.


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11-14 October 2025

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Monaco and its surrounding area in Southern France


More information for Local Student Athletes (coming from Monaco and Southern France)

More information for International Student Athletes (coming from schools from the rest of the world

More information for Europe Student Athletes (coming from schools across Europe)

The International School of Monaco (ISM), already a member of the AFEC school network, has been assigned the honour and responsibility to be the host school of the event, assisted in this task by the WAoS.




1. What is the mode of study?

The programme is delivered online and there is no requirement to come to the UK as part of your studies. Our flexible online programme allows you to work around your own schedule and leads to a globally recognised, academically sound and industry focused qualification that is highly valued by sports organisations.

2. What study options are available?

Students can complete the programme by enrolling in the full Postgraduate Certificate (PGC) in advance of starting the programme. Students can also enrol on a module-by-module basis. Students enrolling on a module-by-module basis need to complete four modules including the two core modules (Strategy, Governance & Leadership and Financial Management in Sport) to obtain the full PGC recognition.

3. What is the programme duration?

The flexible approach to learning allows students to complete the PGC in a minimum of one academic year to a maximum of five years. Individual modules can be completed in a minimum of six months to a maximum of two years.

4. How many credits are required to complete the programme?

The programme consists of 60 credits. Two core modules and two elective modules of 15 credits each must be completed to receive the PGC in International Sports Management.

5. Where can I find out more detailed information about the different modules?

6. How much time per module is expected to be dedicated?

As a general rule, one UK credit equates to 10 hours of work; a 15-credit module therefore requires 150 hours of study on average.

7. What are the fees related to the programme?

Academic year 2022-2023:

  • Full programme fee: £3896

  • Individual module fee: £1113
  • Examination/Coursework resit fee: £334
  • 2nd deferral fee: £334
  • Online examination fee: £10. The online examination administration fee is charged for each examination paper held online, including resits. This does not apply to any coursework submissions.
  • Sales tax will apply for students studying from the following countries: Australia (10%), Bahrain (10%), India (18%), Indonesia (11%), Japan (10%), New Zealand (15%), Oman (5%), Saudi Arabia (15%), Singapore (8%), Spain (21%), South Korea (10%), UAE (5%), USA (Pennsylvania residents only 6 – 8%)

8. Are there any scholarship opportunities?

A limited number of PGCert 25% scholarships valued at £974 are available through World Academy of Sport. For those students applying to complete the programme by signing up on a module-by-module basis, a limited number of 25% scholarships are also available. These scholarships are valued at £275.25 per module. Please contact if you are interested in this unique scholarship opportunity.

9. Do I need to pay the full tuition in advance?

If you sign up for the full PGCert in advance you need to pay the full tuition in advance. When you sign up for the full programme, you pay £3,896 (less any scholarship amount for scholarship recipients). Students can also sign up on a module-by-module basis. The tuition of £1113 (less any scholarship amount for scholarship recipients) is payable in advance of starting each module.

10. Who should I contact when I have a question about my application?

For any questions related to your application, please contact World Academy of Sport:

9. How do I know if my application was approved?

The University of London will send you an offer letter and your log-in information for you to start the registration process. Please make sure to check your junk emails as emails from the University of London happen to end up there. World Academy of Sport will also confirm your application and send you more details for you to start registering.

10. How many modules should I register for?

A 15-credit module requires about 150 hours of study on average. You can work around your own schedule and study accordingly, but there are still some assignments that you will need to complete before certain dates. You should only register for the modules you want to take this term. You will have other opportunities to register for new modules for the following semesters.

11. When do the modules start?

Programme module intakes occur every February and September. Please keep in mind that the University needs to have receive payment for the programme prior to providing course access to students. The registration deadline for the September 2021 term is 23 August 2021.

12. Who should I contact when I have an issue trying to register?

If you have any questions during the registration process, you can submit your question through the “Ask a question” button in the registration portal. That way, the University of London can directly assist you. In case you need assistance, you can email your point of contact at World Academy of Sport.

13. What should I do if I have a sponsor?

If you have a sponsor who will pay for your Programme Fees, you will have to upload their information as well as a Purchase Order. This is an important step, since the University of London will need that Purchase Order in order for them to invoice your sponsor. You will be officially registered only when the University of London receives the payment from your sponsor. Please note that payments need to be received before the registration deadline, or you will not be provided access to the course. Below is a list of the information fields that need to be provided during the registration process, along with the upload of your Purchase Order:

  • Student details
    • Full name of student
    • Student Registration number that has been assigned by the University
  • Sponsor details:
    • Name of your sponsor/organisation
    • Address
    • City
    • Country
  • Sponsor contact person:
    • Name
    • Email address
    • Phone number
  • Finance (payer) contact person:
    • Name
    • Email address
    • Phone number

14. What is the University of London’s bank information for offline payments?

Account Name: University of London

Bank Address: Nat West Bank plc, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JA

Account Number: 60128097

Sort Code: 60-80-07

Swift BIC Code: NWBKGB2L

IBAN Code: GB39 NWBK 608007 60128097

Please ensure that you include the student name and registration number with the payment.

15. Is it possible to pay in instalments?

It is not possible to pay in instalments at the moment. Full course fees need to be covered during the registration process.

16. What should I do once I have completed the registration process?

Once your date of registration is effective, the University of London will send you an email with your log-in information to access the Virtual Learning Environment and start studying the modules you signed up for. Please make sure to check your junk emails, because emails from the University of London often end up in there.

17. What are the programme regulations?

Please find the programme regulations here. This document contains important information for students. Please ensure you read through these carefully.

18. Can I defer a module?

You can defer each module once without paying an additional fee. If you wish to defer a module for a second time, you must pay the module deferral fee (£300) by the registration deadline for the subsequent session. You may not defer a module more than two times.

If after having registered for a module you are no longer able to take all elements of assessment in that session, you can defer the element of assessment to the subsequent session if you let the University of London know at least 28 days prior the examination or first coursework submission deadline.

19. Are all the assessments online?

All assessments are online. Final examinations and assessments are linked to deadlines. Please make sure you familiarise yourself with these timelines.


  • High school diploma
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Postgraduate certificate
  • Master's degree
  • PhD
  • Other
Thank you for your enquiry. We will be in touch soon.


New AFEC accreditation in the United States

Moreton Bay College, Australia joins the AFEC Network

International School of Monaco celebrates AFEC accreditation

Successful AFEC accreditation

for Mas Camarena

AFEC Network welcomes Academia Britanica Cuscatleca, El Salvador

Institut International Lancy Joins the AFEC Network

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World Academy of Sport

Unit 10, 3 Bromham Place



Victoria, Australia

World Academy of Sport

iLife Centre

Route Suisse 8A

1163 Etoy


World Academy of Sport

Orega, Broadhurst House

The Tootal Buildings

56 Oxford St

Manchester, M1 6EU


+44 0161 639 0950

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© World Academy of Sport 2024




New AFEC accreditation in the United States

Moreton Bay College, Australia joins the AFEC Network

International School of Monaco celebrates AFEC accreditation

Successful AFEC accreditation

for Mas Camarena

AFEC Network welcomes Academia Britanica Cuscatleca, El Salvador

Institut International Lancy Joins the AFEC Network


Manchester Communication Academy becomes AFEC accredited

International School of Monaco awarded AFEC accreditation

International School Brescia joins the AFEC Network

First AFEC School in Italy

Welcome to Chadwick International School!

Setanta College is now AFEC accredited!

Athlete Certificate Infographic

International School Magazine: Passion to Profession

International School Leader Magazine: How to support student-athletes

New AFEC School Announcement


The sports industry is fast-paced, exciting and full of job opportunities. The industry is the second fastest growing sector which is expected to reach $599.9 billion by 2025 (Business Research Company, 2021). To find out more about the career opportunities and growth of the sports industry click on the tiles below.